You can use this script to calculate your ages or hours of support.
TutorialHow To Calculated Age Using JavaScript
14 April 2023

  • Create age.js file and fill it with this code:
<!-- CHANGE ME -->
var DOB = "August 31, 1998";

var millisecondsBetweenDOBAnd1970 = Date.parse(DOB);
var millisecondsBetweenNowAnd1970 =;
var ageInMilliseconds = millisecondsBetweenNowAnd1970-millisecondsBetweenDOBAnd1970;
//--We will leverage Date.parse and now method to calculate age in milliseconds refer here

  var milliseconds = ageInMilliseconds;
  var second = 1000;
  var minute = second*60;
  var hour = minute*60;
  var day = hour*24;
  var month = day*30; 
//using 30 as base as months can have 28, 29, 30 or 31 days depending a month in a year it itself is a different piece of comuptation*/
  var year = day*365;

//let the age conversion begin
var years = Math.round(milliseconds/year);
var months = years*12;
var days = years*365;
var hours = Math.round(milliseconds/hour);
var seconds = Math.round(milliseconds/second);

function printResults(){
  var message = ""+years;
  document.getElementById('age').innerHTML = message;

window.onload = printResults;
  • Put the age.js script into your index.html inside the body tag, before </body>.


<!-- Start HTML Body/CSS →
	Age: <span id="age"></span>
<!-- End HTML Body/CSS →

<script src="../age.js"></script>


Still confused? Feel free to contact me.